Battlefield: Vietnam Patch 1 free download
May 31st, 2017
english,x64, Uncategorized
Battlefield Vietnam Battlefield franchise history first-person shooter is the second contribution. Combat vehicles, weapons and the Vietnam war in a realistic reproduction of the engines of different players landmark arms, flying airplanes and helicopters, and even on a ahalbidetuzVespa battle for the race. Soundtrack, sixty brings to life a time, even when busy you will have to avoid the traps and explosions diysnotsinuvaty music.
War never changes
Battlefield:Vietnam uses a formula established by his predecessor, but an interesting change: between the forces and the North Wietnamami asymmetric gatazkaAEBetako. Americans have an advantage in cars and heavy weapons, antitank weapons that focus on mobility and forcing his enemies. The result is perfect, but it is very different zbalansovanyyVony which are araberaaldean. Maps accurate and realistic, based on the actual bitwachTakich the fall of Saigon and the struggle Khesani.
Battlefield: VietnamIt’s a good shooter asymmetrical personality. Heart multiplayer game. Official support for multi no longer exist, but still can not duzujolastu, assuming that the server can connect to you. Multiplayer online community is not great, so it can be difficult to find opponents.
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